Takedown Policy

IP Violation and Removal Policy

This Takedown Policy relates to content by cutecoloringpagesprintable.com (“the Corporation”) through the website at cutecoloringpagesprintable.com.

1. Terminology and Explanation

In this Policy, the following expressions have these meanings:

“Operational Day” refers to any day excluding Saturdays and Sundays when conventional banks operate fully.

“Violation Material” denotes content that the Corporation disseminates and is claimed or established to violate any intellectual property rights.

“Intellectual Property Rights” comprise all patents, rights in inventions, rights in designs, trademarks, trade and business identities, and all related goodwill, rights to sue for misrepresentation or unfair competition, copyright, moral rights and corresponding rights, rights in databases, topography rights, domain names, rights in information (including expertise and trade secrets), and all other similar or comparable rights (existing now or in the future) globally, whether they are registered or unregistered and incorporating all applications for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights for their entire term;

“Notification” refers to a message received by the Corporation advising about the alleged violation.

2. Notification and Removal

While the Corporation makes every effort to avoid infringing third-party intellectual property rights, the potential for such violations cannot be entirely removed.

If any individual or entity identifies content that belongs to them and has been used without authorization, they should contact the Corporation following the outlined procedures.

3. Notification Procedure

If you detect any material protected by your intellectual property rights in any content disseminated on cutecoloringpagesprintable.com, please reach out to the Corporation promptly by following these steps:

  • Use the form provided at the end of this policy.
  • Provide identification and communication details.
  • Comprehensive details of the content you believe to be violating. This may incorporate URLs, highlighted copies of content containing violation material, screenshots, and/or any other evidence you deem appropriate;
  • Particulars of the alleged violation;
  • Evidence of your possession of the Intellectual Property Rights inherent in the Violation Material or of your right to communicate with us on behalf of the owner of such rights.

The Corporation shall confirm receipt of all Notifications within 7 Operational Days.

4. Evaluation and Removal

Upon receiving a Notification, the Corporation will conduct a preliminary evaluation of the alleged violation to assess its credibility and legitimacy.

If the preliminary evaluation finds the complaint credible and legitimate, the Violation Material will be temporarily removed while further investigation and/or reaching an agreement between the Corporation and you.

Should the Violation Material have been supplied to the Corporation by a third party, the Corporation will get in touch with that third party during its investigations to determine the extent of that third party’s rights over the Violation Material.

In instances where it is considered necessary and appropriate, the Corporation shall seek legal counsel to resolve any matters of violation.

After the preliminary evaluation, the Corporation will contact you to inform you of the findings and, if relevant, discuss a suitable resolution to your complaint.

5. Settlement of Complaints

The Corporation aims to resolve complaints swiftly and fairly. Desired outcomes may include, but are not limited to:

  • No Violation: If no infringement is found, the Violation Material will remain unchanged.
  • Replacement Without Changes: The Violation Material may be replaced without alteration and without necessitating licensing fees.
  • Replacement Under License: The Violation Material may be replaced under a negotiated paid license.
  • Modification to Remove Violation: The Violation Material may be modified to eliminate the infringing content.
  • Permanent Removal: The Violation Material may be permanently removed.

If a complaint cannot be resolved and becomes subject to legal proceedings, the Violation Material will remain removed until an acceptable resolution is achieved.

6. Modifications to this Policy

The Corporation reserves the right to modify this Policy as required by law or as we may consider necessary from time to time.

IP Violation Form

Please refer to the Notification Procedure section of the policy above for the information to provide when completing this form.

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